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From boys to functional men; building a better society.

Boys Without Borders Nigeria moulds boys into functional men through education, orientation, and positive community influence for a stronger and more united society.


Raising Functional Men Through Holistic Education and Orientation

School Outreach

Since inception, BWB has held three outreaches to secondary schools in Ibadan, reaching over 1, 000 boys.

Community Outreach

We have also had three outreaches to communities in Ibadan (in Yoruba and English languages) to engage communities on boy-child issues.

Awareness Campaigns

Through content campaigns and projects like BTAI and Borderless, we campaign for holistic boy-child upbringing and educate society.

For A Better Society,
One Step At A Time

Boys Without Borders Nigeria — a boy-child advocacy organization — stemmed from a fundamental malaise plaguing how our society raises male children. We commit our time and resources to drill some impact into societal engagements with the boy-child through online and offline re-orientation and education efforts. 

It is a long and winding journey that we have only just begun, but with one step at a time — and with you taking your part — we will make boys functional and wholesome members of a newly better society.

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Neglect. Abuse.
Dysfunctional Men.

Since our inception, we have run Project Boys Talk About It as a way of creating awareness about male sexual abuse. The neglect of boys makes them susceptible to abuse (even by family members, relatives, or close family friends), and the abuse they suffer affects them for years. Through four campaigns and over 30 stories, we have highlighted the realities of male sexual abuse. We cannot fully combat this menace if society does not even know it exists.

For every form of vice perpetrated by the male gender, society is either directly or indirectly complicit.

Here are ways you could be guilty

  • Misdirection and wrong advice
  • Sexual abuse
  • Sexual harassment
  • Teaching wrong and extremist ideas to boys
  • Maltreatment
  • Neglect and abandonment masking as giving boys free rein
  • Introduction to vices
  • Perpetrating your vices through your younger ones
  • Being a bad role model

The evil men of today didn’t fall from the sky. The perpetrators of the evil of today are a consequence of how our society raised (or chose not to raise) boys.

“It’s amazing how far BWB has come as an organization committed to boy child advocacy. In the words of Solomon, one of the Co-Founders, we’re making impacts, outreach by outreach, school by school, boy by boy. Being a member of BWB has helped me channel my being and resources into contributing to social good. I love how we maintain a formidable spirit online and offline.”

Theophilus Femi Alawonde Director of Media and Communication

“It’s been a beautiful journey. I started like it was no big deal. I mean, I just wanted to volunteer, and that was it. But then, after going through the Content Guidelines, I realized it was more than just volunteering but about impacting lives. I realized after my first school visitation here that the boys seemed really excited to have people come to talk to them. What we do is uncommon. I have learned, unlearned, and relearned in this journey. I wish BWB many more years to come. I love this family.”

Esther Adewusi Feedback Team, BWB UI

“My experience as a member of Boys Without Borders has been nothing short of amazing! I particularly enjoyed the IDBC2022 Public Symposium on Redefining the Narrative of the Boy-child, which is quite pivotal in our modern society. It has really been an impactful experience joining BWB. We keep breaking borders!”

Dele Olátúnjí Feedback Team, BWB UI

“Growing up on the streets of Mushin, many things that society has normalized as being part of the process of simply being boys are things that harm the boy-child. These are things that BWB has made me see. A few months ago, when I got home, a brother told me he saw my status and my posts on BWB and quizzed me if indeed boys can be raped. I said yes, and this sparked a deep conversation among the adults in my house that day. That was when I knew that truly, our work is valid at BWB. I am proud of every day that I see I am a member of this organization.”

Olamilekan Mashika Director for Campus Networks and Volunteer Engagement

“It’s been a beautiful experience overall and I’m grateful for the opportunity to impact. The most exciting moments are the school visitations. I have had the opportunity to attend two, and they were fulfilling. I love what we do and I’m proud to be here, giving the boy child a voice. I wish BWB more impactful years and I see us going global with more solid structures.”

Abdulmojeed Kawthar Content Development Team, BWB UI

“It’s been a really great journey for me. I’ve met some amazing people through BWB, I’m really grateful for that. BWB makes me feel good about myself for being part of this greatness. I hope the organization gets stronger and better. I’ve only been to two outreaches and I can’t even choose which excited me more, loved every moment so much.”

Olajide Amudat Directorate of Finance

“It’s been quite lovely, to say the least. Now that’s not to liken every day as a member of BWB to a party or anything like that, but rather to highlight just how fulfilling and exciting it is to be a part of something you genuinely believe in. The thought of us making a difference is one that puts a smile on my face. It has been reasonably challenging, but that’s to be expected of anything truly worthwhile. Here’s to more amazing years at BWB. May it only get better from here on out.”

Jucal Adefokun Campus Director, BWB UI

“It’s been wonderful! I really enjoyed all the times that we had physical gatherings; and every time we visited schools. I’ve also learned about the realities of neglecting the boy child.”

Àjàyí Deborah Director of Finance

We are re-shaping society through multi-dimensional outreach efforts to spotlight societal issues affecting the boy-child.

The goal is to mould boys into functional men for an equitable and inclusive society.

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