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Project Boys Talk About It (BTAI) 4.0

#BeTheVoice: Awareness to Inspire Action

There are several misconceptions about male sexual abuse, the biggest of them being that it’s nothing but a myth.

In the past, we’ve had people tell us that members of our organization sat down to create fictitious stories being shared during BTAI campaigns.

Sexual abuse — in all its bold and subtle forms — is one of the most life-altering things. Women experience it; men experience it too.

If there’s any lesson we’ve learned from campaigns against raping women, it’s that awareness does a lot of good. We’re not where we want to be yet, but we’ve made significant progress because more and more people are getting to know that women get sexually abused.

Sadly, factors such as shame, societal perceptions of the “Alpha” male, erroneous concepts, and suppression have been militating against awareness about male sexual abuse.

Awareness is important in the battle against this abuse — parents need to be aware and wary of groomers; young boys need to be aware; society needs this awareness!

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