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Boys’ Trybe in a Flash.

Last year, our major project was called Boys Trybe. Many saw the contents and wondered what it was about. Many, indeed, know what the project is about because we had explained what it would be about. Simply put, the idea of Boys Trybe came from the perspective of a community coming together in a round table discussion to raise functional men. Like it is generally said, “it takes the community to raise a boy child”. There is no iota of doubt that functional men would ensure the ideal society everyone would want to live in. There would be very low statistics of social vices and to an extent the society would witness a state of equivocal normalcy. This is not saying boys are the trouble makers, No. This is simply pointing that if the society have boys, who grow up to be men, and contribute positively to the society, then there definitely would be positive changes in such society. The topics of boys Trybe were varied. They encompassed thematic issues hanging around the boychild. The project was geared towards explaining to young boys, teenagers, young adults and even men on issues the face on a daily basis. Issues which psychologically, there is a response they pick up when faced with as a result of societal direction, however, the contents served as a form of guidance in building the male gender up to becoming the best version of himself.

In this essay the contents of each month of the Boy’s Trybe will be summarised, allowing the readers to read all the information at a go. Let’s see this as a bonus to the community raising of functional men.

February – Drug Addiction.

The first publication of the year was lunched with the topic drug addiction. We learnt that drugs are substances that have the power to change how the body works. They can be utilized medically, such as in the treatment of illnesses or the alleviation of pain, but they can also be abused and become addictive when used recreationally.

Drugs used to treat particular medical issues are known as prescription drugs since they can only be obtained with a doctor’s prescription. Without prescription, over-that-counter medications can be acquired and are often used to treat minor illnesses like headaches.

The use of drugs in a way that is damaging to oneself or others is referred to as abusing drugs.  This may involve using drugs in excess, using them for nonmedical reasons, utilizing them in an unsafe or dangerous way, or using medications that are illegal or that the user has not been prescribed. Abuse of drugs can have detrimental effect on one’s physical and mental health as well as their relationships, finances, and legal status.

The following are a few effects of drug abuse:

Drug usage can result in a variety of physical health issues, such as liver damage, lung issues, heart issue, and overdose.

  • Mental health issues: Substance misuse can lead to or aggravate mental health issues like psychosis, depression, and anxiety.
  • Relationship issues: Abusing drugs can cause social isolation and disrupt relationships with friends and family.
  • Financial concerns: Drug misuse can cause financial troubles because of the high expense of drug acquisition as well as potential legal or health consequences.
  • Legal issues: Abusing drugs can lead to legal issues, such as being arrested and imprisoned for possessing or distributing illegal substances.

How and where to stop drug misuse and assist drug addicts

Drug misuse prevention and addiction treatment can be difficult and diverse processes. Here are some tactics that might work:

  • Education can assist prevent drug usage by giving people accurate information about the dangers and effects of drug use.This can be accomplished through communitybased projects, public health campaigns, and educational programs.
  • Drug misuse prevention programs: These initiatives can assist in giving participants the tools they need to fend off peer pressure and steer clear of drugs.
  • Counseling, support groups, and other forms of therapy could be included.

March – Sexual Abuse.

This month we explore the topic of Sexual Abuse as related to the male gender.

Sexual abuse is an unwanted sexual act that occurs when the perpetrator forces the victim or takes advantage of the victim’s vulnerability. This does not always have to be a physical activity involving private parts. It could include other things like the exposure of nakedness by an older person to a minor, fondling a minor’s private parts, asking a minor to fondle another’s private parts, forcing a minor to masturbate, and masturbating in front of a minor. If you have been sexually abused in any way, speak up. Do not be ashamed.

The phases of sexual abuse occur consequently, and failure to stop a phase leads to another. The phases are:

  1. Subjection.
  2. Episodes/ Sexual abuse.
  3. Concealment/ Secrecy.
  4. Acceptance of the abuse.
  5. Continuity of the abuse.

Even though it might not be easy, especially for boys, to report sexual abuse cases, it is very important for us to encourage the reporting abuse cases. One of the risks of sexual abuse is STI, so if an abused boy quickly reports a case of sexual abuse, medical tests will be taken to make sure he is not infected. If, however, the boy is infected, he will be able to get help and medical treatment as soon as possible. An added advantage of reporting is it stops the continuity of the abuse. It is important to report. One should also encourage others to report cases of sexual abuse.

Not all abused patients report abuse immediately. This, though, does not mean that when a child or a person takes his time before reporting abuse, he is fabricating. Even though the National Children’s Advocacy Centre believes that children customarily tell someone if they’ve been sexually abused, it is just a myth. Research shows that a majority of children either delay or never disclose their sexual abuse to anyone.

Knowing sexual abuse signs:

If a lady invites a young guy to her room to play with his private parts, it is sexual abuse, regardless of whether the boy enjoys it. Guys can be sexually abused in every way possible. Should be not all sexual abuses are forced, making a person go against his will through a threat of fear also counts as abuse. If a minor is involved, it is sexual abuse, because a minor cannot give consent. There might be consequences of abuse, and one is advised and encouraged to tell their parent or guardian, and maybe also see a therapist. Sexual abuse is real for boys.

Myth on boy child sexual abuse:

Because a boy child has been sexually abused does not mean that he will sexually abuse others. It is a dangerous thing to believe otherwise, because it sometimes creates a fear in men and boys of becoming abusers, Sadly, guys who are victims of sexual abuse are eventually seen as perpetrators, rather than actual victims that might need help and support. Another myth is that boys can’t be abused. The society has been wired to unconditionally think that it is impossible for men to be sexually abuse, and that they enjoyed the sex. This is false. Abuse of the male gender is as brutal as an sexual abuse. Even though men are physically stronger than women, they can be sexually abused. Physical force and/or coercion is not the only way one can be sexually abused.

July – Masculinity.

In our publications this month, we explored the concept of masculinity, it was discussed that there are generally accepted or recognized expectations around masculinity. Individual Society sets standards different from other societies. It might be viewed as expressions of manliness through healthy means in one society and toxicity in another. The toxic means of expressing masculinity which is an overbearing trait to prove masculinity was highlighted which Include:

  • Being excessively controlling
  • Trying to assert dominance through force
  • Disregarding the opposite sex as weak
  • Being sexually aggressive

While all of these traits have a way they can be expressed in a healthy way including:

  • Open communication
  • Empathy
  • Care
  • Compassion
  • Respect and another socially acceptable trait that is needed to transform this Society into a gender-fair one.

It was also noted that the following activities don’t make you less of a man and don’t take away from your masculinity and as a man, you don’t have to live by the definition of Society. These misconceptions include:

  • Showing emotion and Vulnerability
  • Crying
  • Liking color pink
  • Being a caregiver to those around you
  • Interested in traditionally feminine activities
  • Seeking counseling for mental health issues.

We can have a society where men are encouraged to speak up and express their emotions and are listened to without taking away from their manliness. Although being a man can be a sense of adventure or a taste of challenges, it’s never about violence or self-isolation.

August – Respecting the female Gender.

The August edition spoke about male who disrespect the female gender all in the name of being a better male.

This month publication set to put the record straight on who a proper man is and how he should behave. This publication redefines the misconception of what a simp man is.

It was flat out started that the best measure to be a better male is to respect the female gender in his decency and respect giving to them (female gender)

This publication reaffirms the fact that both gender is just as knowledgeable as each other, thus respect is proper traits. This publication made it known that women are not subservient to male. The fact that they do this jobs most time did not make it their problem. Instead they should be respected for it and appreciated.

The jobs can actually be shared between male and female. Lastly, in no matter situation we male find the female gender, we should respect the women apart from the fact that they deserve it, it is just a basic human decency every human should enjoy.

November – Bullying.

The Boy’s Trybe for November took us through the subject of bullying for the male child and his relationships. One thing to note is bullying can occur in a variety of ways, but bantering in male relationships is one of its subtler manifestations. Let’s define bullying as “repeated activities to make someone’s life intolerable.”

Given that respecting people’s limits is what separates bullying from assault, it is important to hold off on making any comments if someone has already voiced worry about them. You can also be nicer with your words when you make assumptions about someone because we often speak without having enough knowledge about them. Last but not least, having authority does not give us the right to treat people badly; respect is earned and based on reciprocity.

Bullying, however subtle it may be, would be eliminated if there was a feeling of mutual respect.

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