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I was Sexually Abused by a Drug Addict – Anonymous 001

BTAI stands for Boys Talk About It. It is an annual project undergone to create societal awareness of the realities of Boy-Child Sexual Abuse. The stories you will be reading are anonymously shared with us by real people, detailing real experiences.

PS: The majority of the stories shared here are by men who were abused as minors. Some of these men are now fathers. We will appreciate your showing sensitivity and empathy in the case of commentary. Thanks.

I was sexually abused by a drug addict. I was so young then, like 7 or 8 years old.

She would call me into her room, it’s a face me I slap you house and after taking her thing, she’ll put small amounts of the substance into my mouth and she’ll start riding me. This continued till I entered secondary school and I was enjoying it.

I even told my friends to follow me to her room one day and she did same to all of us. And that’s how I was exposed to sex and drugs so early in my life. We moved out of the house to our own house when I was in JSS 3 and I started longing for it. I started chasing after girls in SS 1 and I was known as a big boy. Little did I know that my life is in ruins already.

I entered the University and I couldn’t go a week without having sex and occasional drugs. It was when it started affecting my academics that I sat down and thought about the whole thing.

Thank God I confided in my Mom when I almost failed my MBBS exam and she didn’t even judge me. She said she’d always known something was wrong with me. She introduced me to a counselor and that’s how I was liberated from the addiction of sex and drugs. I’m now a medical doctor, I’m married and blessed with kids. Thank you for hearing me out and not judging me too.

Were you a victim of sexual abuse as a boy or man? Anonymously share your stories with us and the world  through this:

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