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She Grabbed my Trouser from the Belt – Anonymous 012

BTAI stands for Boys Talk About It. It is an annual project undergone to create societal awareness of the realities of Boy-Child Sexual Abuse. The stories you will be reading are anonymously shared with us by real people, detailing real experiences.

PS: The majority of the stories shared here are by men who were abused as minors. Some of these men are now fathers. We will appreciate your showing sensitivity and empathy in the case of commentary. In the meantime, we will appreciate you give us 2 minutes of your time to help fill this SURVEY on how society reacts to male sexual abuse. Thanks.

I was a young Evangelist, vibrant as fire. I had started pastoring from SS1, I have become a known preacher both in school and at home. I consecrated myself well and was used by God mightily.

One holiday. I was invited by a Redeemed Church for a week long program. It was a galore of the supernatural, I had accurate word of knowledge that shocked the church.

Every day the population kept increasing. The morning hours where for counselling. Imagine an 18 years boy commanding such attention.

One of the days a lady married with a baby came to me for counselling. She came with questions I could not answer. She asked me if one can marry a wrong will of God. I was wondering. Wrong will of God? How can the will of God be wrong?

Long story short, she said I was the right will of God for her. I could not understand. She was about 15years older than me.

That session ended. A week later I was riding on a bike to see a friend, I saw her and she wave me down and asked for a lift. I stop and pick her. She was going to her office, as we were going she told me that she is not even wearing pant. I still could even understand all that. I took her to her office and left.

Another week she came with her elder sister who was a lecturer to ask me for a favour. She said she had a spiritual problem in her house where the husband rented for her. That her baby is no longer sleeping well and thus not feeling fine. She said she woke up one night and saw a maggot by the baby side then when she killed it and it was all full of blood and that I should come and assist her in praying for the house and in fact she want to pack her things from there.

I quickly agreed with the zeal burning in me. We fixed an evening. That meeting day I came in with my motor cycle got to her house she was seating outside. We opened the door and the two of us went in.

I told her that we should pray at the siting room but she said no that the thing happened in the room. We should please go into the room where it happened. I accepted while we entered the room it was a jam lock she jam it and throw the key away through the window. She grabbed my trouser from the belt to untie my belt.

Something came over me. I believe it was God and I began laughing loud and blow air from my mouth into her face and she fell down as I walked to the door and the door opened and I went out took my bike and ran away.

I was almost abused sexually that day. I can say I was abused too sexually. This is just one out of the three sexual abuse that happened to me.

The last lady, 3 years older than me got me. I will share how that happened some other time.

PS: Today I’m a renowned Reverend. I have forgiven my abusers but I’m just sharing to inspire someone

Were you a victim of sexual abuse as a boy or man? Anonymously share your stories with us and the world  through this:

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