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“He Would Tell Me To Secretly Come” — Anonymous 009

I don’t know how to write a long epistle. I never understood what it meant then (although I had the understanding later), but within me, I just knew it was wrong, though I didn’t know why I never tried telling anyone about it.

Maybe because I was threatened or there was no one to really confide in. The point is at age 5, in those days my mum wasn’t always around, she was always out for the hustle due to the fact that there was no one to look up to as a dad. 

As for Dad I never knew him, I only know he and my mum weren’t together because of some reasons. Anyway, I used to stay in the neighbor’s house till my mum would get back. One of this neighbor’s son, like three times older, as I could remember, would tell me to secretly come and make sure I rub or suck his dick till he releases.

After the third time, I stopped going to the house whenever he was around. I couldn’t say it out because he told me not to and probably threatened me then and he would also buy biscuits for me after everything.

In the long run, I just had to start running from him. I thought that was the end until an aunt staying with us then, also did the same thing at that age with the same threat, till when she thought I had sense at age 8.

They would think I don’t remember but I remember well.

1 thought on ““He Would Tell Me To Secretly Come” — Anonymous 009”

  1. Pingback: “I Was Molested By Three People” — Anonymous 008 - Boys Without Borders

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