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She Would Touch Me Fondly

BTAI stands for Boys Talk About It. It is an annual project undergone to create societal awareness of the realities of Boy-Child Sexual Abuse. The stories you will be reading are anonymously shared with us by real people, detailing real experiences.

PS: The majority of the stories shared here are by men who were abused as minors. Some of these men are now fathers. We will appreciate your showing sensitivity and empathy in the case of commentary. Thanks.

My mum’s older sister used to come around to my house when I was around 8, I noticed that anytime we were alone she would touch me fondly and her hands was going towards my lower part all in the name of “greeting her nephew”.

When I turned 10, I was taking a shower one day and she came in to play with my penis for like ten minutes and told me not to tell anyone and smiled and left.

I haven’t told anyone till now because I know my mum won’t believe me even though she still fondles me anytime we are alone. I don’t like it but I can’t tell anyone. This went on for four years. 

An effect of it is that I am too shy to talk to girls in my class.

Were you a victim of sexual abuse as a boy or man? Anonymously share your stories with us and the world  through this:

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