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Since then, It Became an Addiction – Anonymous 13

BTAI stands for Boys Talk About It. It is an annual project undergone to create societal awareness of the realities of Boy-Child Sexual Abuse. The stories you will be reading are anonymously shared with us by real people, detailing real experiences.

PS: The majority of the stories shared here are by men who were abused as minors. Some of these men are now fathers. We will appreciate your showing sensitivity and empathy in the case of commentary. In the meantime, we will appreciate you give us 2 minutes of your time to help fill this SURVEY on how society reacts to male sexual abuse. Thanks.

I was 6 years old when my dad had surgery on his stomach. We were forced to move out of our apartment then to the mission house of the church we were attending then, mum had to hustle and dad had to go to work. Every time I come back from school, I have to stay with the senior pastor’s daughter, who I guess was an older teenager then.

One day she called me into the house with my friend whose parents also stayed in the other part of the mission house. She instructed us on what to do and how to smooch and suck her, we were naive but we did as instructed. Since then, it has become an addiction. Well, the first person I tried it on was my friend’s elder sister, then my seatmate in school. Apparently, it was a norm in that environment because everyone seems to be doing it both young and old.

This led me into masturbation at an early age and I began to chase girls as a teenager in the house we were living in. Unfortunately, we were living in a face me I face you apartment (we moved out of the mission house some years later). This is my own story.

Were you a victim of sexual abuse as a boy or man? Anonymously share your stories with us and the world  through this:

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  1. Pingback: “At A Point, I Became The One Craving It” — Anonymous 007 - Boys Without Borders

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