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“She Would Attempt Kissing Me Many Times…” – Anonymous 001

I was staying in Lagos with my uncle. He married a young lady who agreed to marry him because of his money and some recommendations she got that elderly men take proper care of younger folks. 

He’s a faraway uncle or let me say someone from my village. The wife was young but about 10 years older than me. She always liked staying around me. 

She would force my uncle to do anything I wanted because I was also there like a spiritual guard to the family as per prayer man. I did not know all the love she was showering on me was a trap. She would send stuff to my parents and claim it was from a daughter to my dad and mum. She gives my mum money to buy stuff for storage to be sold when prices go higher. 

She called my younger sister always and sent her airtime. She called me always to complain whenever she was not feeling fine. I was just innocent. 

She bought stuff for me all the time. I had an accident one day and when I came back she saw it and replaced that one trouser with five expensive ones and called a mechanic to come and carry the bike and replace every bad thing and bring it back home. The mechanic did as ordered.

Whenever my uncle was not around, she would prepare good food for us to eat. She took me out to a place to see and she tried playing with me but I didn’t even understand all that stuff. I just thought she was a good wife of my Uncle. She won’t even let my uncle talk to me anyhow and because my Uncle loved her so much, he’ll always please her.

And then she started making advances at me. She would attempt kissing me many times and I would run. She would try embracing me whenever I was home alone with her and the little baby I would say no. She tried holding my legs one day like that and I left the room for her.

Back to Lagos. Long story short.

I was fasting one day. I stayed indoors praying. I did not know that was the day she perfected her plan over my life. She came knocking on my door while I was praying but I didn’t open it until around 2 p.m.

I opened the door, thinking my uncle was back from work and maybe the wife reported that I had not eaten.

So, I opened the door. Lo and behold she was the one she came into the room with a wrapper tied to her chest. She was drunk with liquor to enable her do me

She got in and locked the door immediately and I was with just boxers. She threw her wrapper away and held my boxers and that’s how I started laughing hysterically and ran away with just boxers.

When she finally left my room, I entered and packed my things. When my uncle returned from work, I told him I was going home, that I had a program I was organizing in Port Harcourt. 

He insisted I stay but I said no. The wife persuaded him not to let me go and pretended that she was not feeling fine and that I should stay and see how she was recovering before I left.

I maintained my NO and left. That was how I escaped that stuff.

I was 19 years old. She had a 9-month-old baby.

God saved me.

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