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Breaking Borders

boy child advocacy organization
Breaking Borders

The Essence of Advocating for the Boy Child

By: Kawthar Abdulmojeed  In a world inundated with societal expectations and norms, the concept of masculinity has long been rigid and unforgiving. Men are taught to be strong, stoic, and unyielding in the face of adversity. They are told to suppress their emotions, to “man up” even when they are hurting inside. However, this archetype […]

Breaking Borders

Navigating Uncharted Waters: Advocacy and the Boy Child

By: Praise T. Oluwasina Dearest Gentle Reader, There is a saying that “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors”, and neither is avoiding certain topics as a society builds a Better Man. Much like sailors navigating turbulent seas to refine their skills, young boys find themselves facing challenges seldom acknowledged or discussed. The boy child

The fate of the boychild in the 21st century banner
Breaking Borders

The Fate of the Boychild in the 21st Century

By: Abdulmojeed Kawthar Image Credit: Boys Without Borders In the 21st century, the fate of the boy child has undergone significant changes and challenges. While progress is being made in terms of gender equality and addressing gender stereotypes, there are still areas where boys face unique struggles. A boy might grow up in a bustling

Breaking Borders

Boys’ Trybe in a Flash.

Last year, our major project was called Boys Trybe. Many saw the contents and wondered what it was about. Many, indeed, know what the project is about because we had explained what it would be about. Simply put, the idea of Boys Trybe came from the perspective of a community coming together in a round

A banner talking about boy child sexual abuse
Breaking Borders

Boy Child Sexual Abuse: Fact or Myth?

Image Credit: Boys Without Borders/Ire Ajewole. Primarily, sexual abuse revolves around the use of force, threats, and lack of consent. It is the subjection of an individual to sexual activity to which they did not agree. It can also be referred to as molestation. The Cambridge English Dictionary defines sexual abuse as the act of

feminism and the boy child
Breaking Borders

Where Feminism Meets The Boy Child: The Humane Approach

By: Ìbùkúnolúwa Dàda Image Credit: UNESCO As a child, my mum treated us so well that I thought girls were saints and the holiest beings after angels. I even wanted to be one until a girl stole my money in primary school, followed by a series of other terrible things from the same sex (I

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